Will You Make Room For Me?

As I sat in my time of prayer I saw a room full of things. It was filled with boxes piled one upon the other, old things that were set aside. In the very back corner sat Jesus. He asked me a question, "Will you make room for me? Will you put the distractions aside?" - I truly believe that Jesus is asking the same questions to each and every one of His children. The distractions are many and the opportunity to push Jesus back in the corner of our hearts is real. Can you and I afford to put other things before our relationship with Him? No! It's time to clear out the boxes, old things, and anything that takes the place of our Lord. Put Him at the center of your life and you will find that He will do extraordinary things beyond your wildest dreams.

Be Informed

Hosea 4:6 - My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge... - Church, WAKE UP! The enemy is out in full force endeavoring to rob us of everything that stands for God, the family, marriage, life, and our constitutional rights and freedoms. We must take action against HR5- Equality Act! This is an urgent call for all those who believe in our Christian values, freedoms upon which this nation was founded, and our right to freedom of speech to let your voice be heard. This bill will forever alter our lives and the lives of our children and grandchildren. Write your Senator, call and let them know you are not in favor of this bill. Speak out in your churches, be informed. If we do not let our voice be heard now, we may forever be silenced!

It's Not About Bunnies And Candy

Is. 53:4,5 - Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; Yet we esteemed Him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgressions. He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him. And by His stripes we are healed. - The commercialization of Easter has dulled us to the true meaning of the extreme price that was paid for our redemption. The innocent Lamb of God became sin for you and I. He willingly subjected Himself to the horrors of the cross for us. He paid the ultimate price so that you and I can be healed in our body, free in our minds, have peace, and become a new creation through salvation. The Bible tells us that He was so marred by the wounds He suffered that He was unrecognizable. Let's never forget the innocent blood that was shed on Calvary's tree. He did it for you and me!

He Knows All About You!

Ps. 139:5,6 - You've gone into my future to prepare the way, and in kindness You follow behind me to spare me from the harm of my past. With Your hand of love upon my life, You impart a blessing to me. This is too wonderful, deep, and incomprehensible! Your understanding of me brings me wonder and strength. - God is such a good God! He knows all about each and every person (you) individually, and intricately. His love and hand of protection reach into our future and it reaches into our past to deliver us from what may have been. He wants to guide you, protect you, and bless you everyday of your life.

He Is Our Rock

Is. 44:8 - Fear not, nor be afraid, in the coming violent upheavals; have I not told it to you from of old and declared it? And you are My witnesses! Is there a God besides Me? There is no (other) Rock; I know not any! - As the darkness grows darker, it is those who put their trust in God who will remain stable, unmoved, and at peace. All that can be shaken is being shaken but those who are standing on the Rock shall not be moved.

Stay Put!

Is. 59:19 - ...When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him. - The secret to success is staying right where God has placed you even when circumstances, people, and situations are coming against you. When you are in the center of God's will, His provision, protection, and deliverance will always be there for you.

Perfect Peace

Ps. 26:3,4 - You will keep him in "PERFECT PEACE" whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You. Trust in the Lord forever, for in YAH, the Lord, is everlasting strength. - What have you been thinking about? Are you fearful of the future? Have you become all wrought up with what you see taking place in the world? Do you worry and fret, losing sleep at night? Perfect peace in the Hebrew is Shalom. Shalom means He will keep you in everything the word Shalom implies, health, happiness, well-being, and peace. Let Shalom quiet your mind, strengthen your heart, and give you rest.


Prov. 14:26 - Confidence and strength flood the hearts of the lovers of God who live in awe of Him, and their devotion provides their children with a place of shelter and security. - To be awestruck is to be filled with feelings of admiration and respect. We serve a God of wonder and might. A God Who's love knows no bounds, Who's mercy and grace abound to those who love Him and honor Him. He longs to show Himself strong to His children. Surely, He deserves all our respect, honor, admiration, and devotion.

Hear The Heart Of God

Is. 30:18 - And therefore the Lord earnestly waits expecting, looking, and longing to be gracious to you; and therefore He lifts Himself up, that He may have mercy on you, and show loving-kindness to you. For the Lord is a God of Justice. Blessed, happy, fortunate, to be envied are all those who earnestly wait for Him, who expect and look and long for Him (for His victory, His favor, His love, His peace, His joy, and His matchless, unbroken companionship! - Are you discouraged?

Have you lost hope? Do you feel abandoned? Perhaps you have stopped expecting God to show up in your life. My counsel to you would be to take this verse, write it down and then carry it with you. Speak it out loud. Expect God to be all these things to you. Invite Him into your world.

You Are Expensive!

1 Cor. 6:19,20 - Have you forgotten that your body is the sacred temple of the Spirit of Holiness, Who lives in you? You don't belong to yourself any longer, for the gift of God, the Holy Spirit, lives inside your sanctuary. You were God's expensive purchase, paid for with tears of blood, so by all means, then, use your body to bring glory to God! - What a price was paid, for you and for me, when Jesus, our Lord, hung upon that tree. His precious blood washed away all guilty stain. The innocent Lamb was brutally slain. Through eons of time He saw your face, and willingly He paid the price.