The Power Of Words

Words can be spent wisely or unwisely. Words will bring the power of God to you, or turn the power away. Words set the tone for your life, either for good or bad. Saying the right words puts you in the right attitude. Words will direct your destiny. Words will govern your life. Speaking the right words (the Word of God) plugs you into the power of God. You can't speak contrary to what you believe. Your words and your believing must agree in order to get results. - Friends, God used words to create the Universe and everything in it. Our words have creative power as well. Use your words wisely.

Unity Brings Blessings

Ps 133:1-3 - How wonderful and delightful to see brothers and sisters living together in sweet unity! Its as precious as the sacred scented oil flowing from the head of the high priest Aaron, dripping down upon his beard and running all the way down to the hem of his priestly robes. This heavenly harmony can be compared to the dew dripping down from the skies upon Mount Herman, refreshing the mountain slopes of Israel. For from the realm of this sweet harmony God will release His eternal blessing, the promise of life forever! - What a powerful description of what happens when we come together in unity. Let's stop the division in our nation. United we stand, divided we fall!


Ps. 39:6,7 - We live our lives like those living in shadows. All our activities and energies are spent on things that pass away. We gather, we hoard, we cling to our things, only to leave them all behind for who know who. And now, God, I am left with only one conclusion: my only hope is to hope in You alone. - Hope defined is a confident expectation. As Believers in Jesus Christ, our confident expectation needs to be in the ONE Who knows all, sees all, and has the answers to every problem we will ever face in this life. If we put our hope in someone, they will fail. If we put our hope in government, it will fail. If our hope is in our jobs, spouse, or any other thing it will always fall short of what God can do. He is a Solid Rock on which to stand. He is the Calm in the storm. He is the Light in darkness. The Peace that passes our understanding. The Answer to every problem. So, friends, put your hope in Him for He will not fail you!

God's Mercy Is For You

Is. 54:10 - For the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed, but My kindness shall not depart from you, nor shall My covenant of peace be removed, says the Lord, Who has mercy on you. - Friends, listen to the heart of your Father, God. He is for you. He wants you to know His kindness, love, and covenant of peace. He tells us that His mercy is new every single morning. That which you used yesterday is new again today. He says, "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life." Declare that over yourself today, "Father, thank You that your mercy is new for me today. I receive it. Thank You that Your mercy is following me wherever I go today."

Break Out Of The Mold!

Rm. 12:2 - Stop imitating the opinions and ideals of the culture around you, but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit, through a total reformation of how you think. This will empower you to discern God's will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in His eyes. - This culture today wants everyone to conform, except, and be molded into its image. It wants you to think like it thinks. Talk like it talks, and except as the new way of life its ungodly, radical, cancellation of everything and everyone who does not conform. This mold is dangerous, anti-God, unpatriotic, and goes against everything that our great nation was founded upon. It's a slap in the face to all those who fought and died so that we can live free, think free, and talk free. The Passion Translation -Don't be squeezed into the mold of this present age!

He's The God Who Will

Ps. 91:14-16 - Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore will I deliver him; I will set him on high, because he knows and understands My name (has a personal knowledge of My mercy, love, and kindness) - trusts and relies on Me, knowing I will never forsake him no, never! He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him, I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. With long life will I satisfy him and show him My salvation. - Friends, if you ever question God's heart towards you just listen to what He promises He will do for you. He wants to show Himself strong to those who truly love Him. Like a loving earthly father wants to do all they can for their child, how much more does our Heavenly Father want to do for us.

Have You Met My God?

Ps. 100:5 - For the Lord is always good and ready to receive you. He's so loving that it will amaze you - so kind that it will astound you! And He is famous for His faithfulness to all. Everyone knows our God can be trusted, for He keeps His promises to every generation! - Many are searching for that which will satisfy the longing of their heart. Money won't satisfy. Fame won't satisfy. Relationships won't satisfy. Religion won't satisfy. Only the One, True, Living God can satisfy what every human being longs for and that's Him. He has put within the spirit of man a place only He can satisfy. He is a Good, Loving Father and He desires an intimate relationship with you.

Examine Your Ways

Lam. 3:40 - Let us test and examine our ways, and let us return to the Lord. - If you find that you've gotten off doing things your own way, barging ahead with no consideration that God might have a better way, then take the time and make the needed adjustments to get back to His ways. Prov. 3:6 tells us, In ALL your ways recognize and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths. Wouldn't you rather have God's ways leading you in life's decisions, instead of trying to figure it all out yourself?

Deliver Us

2 Thess. 3:2 - Pray that we may be delivered from perverse, improper, unrighteous and wicked, actively malicious men, for not everyone has faith and is held by it. - Christians, we are living in dangerous times that threaten our very rights as Believers. It is time to let your voice be heard. AWAKE O SLEEPER! This new administration is putting forth the Equality Act that will allow men into women's sports, locker rooms, jail cells, and public bathrooms. It will make it so that churches, Christian schools and religious organizations can no longer be selective in who they hire or allow, even if it goes against their moral belief. It states that one can lose their job or be fined for using the wrong gender name. This is pure evil and needs to be stopped. If you are truly a Christ-like-one (Christian) then you must let your voice be heard. Contact your state legislator, senator, and governor and let them know that you strongly oppose HR1 the Equality Act. You have a moral obligation as a Believer to stand up and stand against this ungodly, immoral act. It only takes a moment but that moment has great impact if we will let our voice be heard.

Inside Information

Jn. 16:13 - Howbeit when He, the Spirit of Truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth; for He shall not speak of Himself: but whatsoever He shall hear, that shall He speak: and He will shew you things to come. - We've all probably heard the statement, "It's not what you know but who you know". How true this is in the day and hour that we are living. You may know a lot about many things but if you don't know that One Who knows everything, you are at a disadvantage. The Holy Spirit knows what is ahead of you in your day. He knows if you need to take an alternative route because of an accident. He knows what the future holds for you and your family. The wonderful thing is, He wants you to know also. But, in order to know and recognize His voice and His promptings, we have to spend quality time with Him in God's Word. Listen on the inside of you for the direction, wisdom, and leading of the Spirit of Truth.