Do You Need A Miracle?

Acts 16:25 - Paul and Silas, UNDAUNTED, prayed in the middle of the night and sang songs of praise to God...We all are familiar with this account. Paul and Silas were beaten and thrown into prison for preaching the Gospel. Some of you may feel as if you are in prison. Circumstances may be pressing in on you. Your body may be racked with physical pain, as was theirs. Yet, they were UNDAUNTED. This word means - not intimidated, discouraged, or disappointed. They tapped into the supernatural power within them by singing and praising God. This power brought deliverance right in the middle of their pain. Need a miracle? Sing and praise God right in the midst of your pain!

Train Your Tongue

Prov. 15:4 The soothing tongue is a tree of life, but a perverse tongue crushes the spirit. - How would you and I create a "tree of life?" By speaking God's "life-giving" Word over our families, friends, pastors, church, finances, health, and so forth. Declaring God's Word over every aspect of our lives will produce an environment of the anointing that will bring God's power right into the midst of each situation. Speaking God's Word gives the angels something to work with so they can bring it to pass. Speaking the problem creates a negative environment where strife and every evil work is produced. Train your tongue to declare the "life-giving," "anointed" Word!

An Every Day Relationship

Jn. 6:35 - Jesus said to _______ ,(fill in your name) "I am the Bread of Life. Come every day to Me and you will never be hungry. Believe in Me and you will never be thirsty."- Stop putting off until tomorrow what you need to do today. You and I need to have an every day relationship with Jesus. One, in which we open our heart to receive from the Bread of Life (Word) everything we need. Through this intimate, personal relationship we receive wisdom, direction, correction, peace, hope, strength, revelation and a deeper understanding of who we are. It's only through an every day relationship with Jesus, that we will truly get to know Him. I encourage you to start.

Don't Slip!

Ps. 37:31 - The law of his God is in his heart; Not one of his steps will slip. - This winter in Montana has been one of snow, snow, snow. Melting and freezing causes there to be a layer of ice under the freshly fallen snow. If you're not careful you will hit that patch of ice and slip. It's not something you planned on or expected. This is true of spiritual things as well. The enemy is always trying to cover things up, hide little traps to get you to slip into sin. When you and I are full of the Word, we spend time putting it in our eyes, letting it drop down into our hearts, we will be prepared for those icy patches (spiritually speaking) of the enemy. The Word will keep you from slipping!

He's Your Friend

Ps. 23:1 - The Lord Is my best Friend and my Shepherd. I always have more than enough. - The word most commonly used for "shepherd" is "ra'ah" and in Hebrew that is the same word used for "best friend." Jesus, not only wants to shepherd you, take care of you, provide for you, lead you by His Spirit, He also wants to be your "Best Friend." The One you tell everything too. The One you run too before anyone else. The One you trust with your deepest, innermost secrets. Whatever you are dealing with today, go to your "Best Friend" for He is always there, and He has all the answers.

Get Up

Micah 7:8 Rejoice not against me, O my enemy! When I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light to me. - Friends, you may find yourself pressed in on every side with darkness. It may seem as if the very air is pressing in against you. Satan wants to pressure you, through life's circumstance, into giving up. His goal is to get you to doubt God, throw away your hope and trust in Him, and get you to question His faithfulness. Hear me now, GET UP! Step out of the darkness into the light! God has equipped you with everything you need to be successful in life. Rise up and stop letting the enemy dictate to you how things are going to be. The entrance of God's Word brings LIGHT! Shine the truth of God's Word on the lies of the enemy and expose them for what they really are, LIES!

Do You Need Encouragement?

Ps. 119:25,28 - Lord, I'm fading away. I'm discouraged and lying in the dust; revive me by Your Word...My life's strength melts away with grief and sadness; come strengthen me and encourage me with Your Words. - Our soul (mind, will, emotions) will endeavor to control our lives. Discouragement, sorrow, depression, intense emotional pressures will consume our lives if we yield to them. God has made a way for us to conquer these emotions and it's found in His Word. Spending time speaking the Word of God over your life will counteract negative, wrong emotions. These toxic emotions must bow to the life-giving truth of God's Word. Don't let these emotions control you any longer, reach for the Word and release life and refreshing to your soul.

Take Up Your Sword!

Eph. 6:17 - ...And take the MIGHTY razor-sharp Spirit-sword of the SPOKEN Word of God! - A sword does no good in its sheath. No one, in their right mind, would go to battle and never remove their sword and use it against the opposing enemy, right? So let me ask you, are you using your sword against the enemy? Our sword is the MIGHTY Word of God spoken out of our mouths. It will slice and dice the enemy when consistently spoken in faith. It will bring freedom from our past, change our poor self-image, combat fear, oppression, depression, insecurities, transform our thinking, and set our lives on God's plan for our destiny. Begin to unleash the power of God's Word over your life and circumstances and watch the enemy flee!

Time To Make A Change

Author Unknown -"You are never really stuck. You just keep re-creating the same experience over and over by thinking the same thoughts, maintaining the same beliefs, speaking the same words and doing the same things." Don't you think it's time for a change? Negative words do nothing to change our circumstances. Negative words keep you stuck in where you are at and produce more of what you've got. It's time to change how you think and what you speak!

Victim Or Victor

I Cor. 15:57,58 - But we thank God for giving us the victory as conquerors through our Lord Jesus, the Anointed One. So now, beloved ones, stand firm and secure. Live your lives with an unshakable confidence... - Do you want to walk in unshakable confidence? Confidence that God is working on your behalf? Confidence that His plans for your life will come to pass? That His Word is a sure foundation and that He only has your good in mind? Then it's time to stop being a victim. It's time to embrace the victory that already belongs to you. Give voice to thanksgiving and praise because, In Christ, you live and move and have the victory, NOW! You cannot be a victim and a victor at the same time.