The Overflow Of Words

Matt. 12:34 - ...For what has been stored up in your hearts will be heard in the overflow of your words! ...What you and I allow our minds to meditate on, ponder, and retain, will eventually be stored in our hearts. Prov. tells us, "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." Jesus was speaking to the Pharisees in this verse. He likened their words to that of a striking, poisonous viper. Their inner identity was evil. Our true colors are shown in the words we speak. Faith or doubt is heard in the words we speak. Love or hate is heard in the words we speak. What is the overflow of your words?

One Heart, One Passion, One Love

Phil. 2:2 - So I'm asking you, my friends, that you be joined together in perfect unity - with one heart, one passion, and united in one love. Walk together with one harmonious purpose and you will fill my heart with unbounded joy. - Why am I harping on unity you might ask? Jesus is coming for a unified body of Believers and it seems as if there is more division in our midst than ever before. Churches, homes, marriages, our nation, are full of strife and division. It's time to put our difference aside and join forces to promote the love of God. Walking together with one harmonious purpose doesn't mean we agree on everything, it's the common purpose that units us together. That purpose is to reach the lost, operate in the commandment of love, and come together for the glory of God.

A Spirit Of Harmony Pt. 3

Rm. 12:16 ...identify with those who are humble minded. Don't be smug or even think for a moment that you know it all. - Can you go with the flow, or does it always have to be your way? Can you adjust yourself to situations, or do you always have to be right? Is it worth having the last word? As Believers, we are to function from the place where love dwells. A place that seeks to keep the peace, defer to others, and will endeavor to adapt one's self to serve the greater good. Mind you, I am not saying to go along with sin or overlook things that go contrary to the Word. What I am saying is that, "We need to live our lives in a manner that demonstrates the love of God." Ask yourself, "How would love respond in a spirit of harmony?"

A Spirit Of Harmony Pt. 2

Rm. 12:16 ...Don't live with a lofty mind-set, thinking you are too important to serve others...Serving others should be our goal. When you and I get the idea that serving is beneath us, we need to do a heart check. Jesus, the King of kings, the Lord of all, the Prince of peace, served. He humbly washed the feet of His disciples. What are you being asked to do? Can you do it with a right heart? Can you do it with joy, not grumbling or complaining? Are you willing to do the menial tasks? God sees what is done in secret and He will reward openly.

A Spirit Of Harmony Pt. 1

Rm. 12:16 - Live happily together in a spirit of harmony, and be as mindful of another's worth as you are of your own...How do you see others? Especially those who are close to you? Do you see yourself as being better than others? If we are constantly having a negative mindset about those around us, being critical, biting, condemning, and judgemental, we are not allowing a spirit of love and harmony rule in our lives. Begin to value and speak life over these individuals. Stop thinking more highly of yourself and ask God to show you ways to affirm, lift up, and truly value these individuals. God places value on them and so should you.

Don't Just Let Life Happen

Mark 9:23 ...all things are possible to the believer. - Oh, my friends, what do you believe? Do you believe your God is faithful? Do you believe He is able? Do you believe He is willing? Or, do you just let life happen to you? "IF YOU ARE A BELIEVER, ALL (EVERYTHING, NOTHING LACKING, NOTHING TOO BIG, NOTHING IMPOSSIBLE) things are possible to you. If you're having trouble with your "believer" just spend some time with the God Who makes ALL THINGS POSSIBLE!

Ready For, And Equal To

Phil. 4:13 - I have strength for all things through Christ Who empowers me. I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him Who infuses inner strength into me; I am self-sufficient in Christ's sufficiency. - When you and I begin to realize the POWER that resides within us it will radically change our lives. This POWER, of the Living God, gives us what we need to face anything the enemy can throw at us. Jesus, levels the playing field because Satan has nothing in his bag of tricks that can defeat you. We've been given a supernatural infusion of POWER to face and overcome anything. Take it, it's yours!

What Do You See?

2 Cor. 5:7,8 It's what we trust in but don't yet see that keeps us going. Do you suppose a few ruts in the road or rocks in the path are going to stop us? - I love a pioneering spirit. Individuals who see something on the inside of them that drives them to accomplish that very thing. Thomas Edison, when inventing the phonograph, failed over and over again, yet he never gave up. In his 84 years he acquired 1,093 patents, one of the many being the light bulb. What are the things God has placed on the inside of you? What do you see with the eyes of your spirit? When your trust is in God, the One Who placed it there in the first place, you cannot fail.

Jesus In You

Phil. 4:12,13 - ...For I am trained in the secret of overcoming ALL THINGS...And I find that the strength of Christ's explosive power infuses me to conquer EVERY DIFFICULTY. - What was Paul's secret to overcoming all things? How could he walk through the overwhelming persecution and difficulties he faced and yet still declare the victory? He could do it because his life was sold out to Christ. He learned to put his total trust in Jesus and the results were life altering. He became a living vessel for the power of God to flow through. That explosive power, residing in him, enabled him to overcome every difficulty. Rejoice and be glad because you've got that same power residing in you!

Hope, Believe And Become!

Rm. 4:18 Against all odds, when it looked hopeless, Abraham believed the promise and expected God to fulfill it. He took God at His word, and as a result he became the father of many nations. God's declaration over him came to pass... - What is God's declaration over you? The promise of healing? Financial increase and breakthrough? Restoration of everything the enemy has stolen? Abraham hoped against the utter impossibilities of his own physical body and that of Sarah's deadened womb. He set himself to believe what God had promised and he became what God had declared over him. Find out from God's Word what He has promised you. Set yourself to hope and believe what is promised, and you will become all that God has declared over you.