You've Been Called To Active Duty

2 Tim. 2:3 Overcome every form of evil as a victorious soldier of Jesus The Anointed One. - If you haven't noticed, you and I are in a constant battle. Either with our circumstances, our flesh, our health, our finances, the cares of this life, relationships, the list goes on and on. Our military men and women are constantly being trained in the skills of battle. They receive intense training that prepares them for every scenario of combat. They endure harsh, unbearable conditions, mock battles, hand to hand combat, deprivation of sleep, food and comfort. Why? To harden and prepare them for difficult and extreme situations. Just as our natural soldiers embrace hard training, you and I must face our challenges head on. In Christ, you and I have been given the strength, weaponry, power, stamina and overcoming victory to face any foe, any attack, any hidden trap of the enemy.

What Are You Building?

Prov. 24:3 TPB - Wise people are builders - they build families, business, communities, and through intelligence and insight their enterprises are established and endure. - Do you want your endeavors to be successful and endure? Do you want your family, your business, your dreams to fulfill your greatest expectations? Then seek the wisdom of God in everything you do. The wisdom of God will keep you from costly mistakes. It will direct you into the best course of action. It will alert you to the when and how to do something. God's wisdom, will re-direct you around the traps of the enemy. The wisdom of God will cause you to prosper in every area of your life. Be a wise builder, build your life on the wisdom of God.

He Never Wavers

2 Tim. 2:13But even if we are faithless, He will still be full of faith, for He never wavers in His faithfulness to us! -  Faithfulness is described as firmness, stability, certainty, fidelity, steadfastness,steadiness, truly, and truth. Even in times when you and I question, struggle, fall, and sometimes walk away from the Lord, He remains faithful to us. His promise to never leave us or forsake us stands for all time. It is comforting to know that no matter what, our God is Faithful!

Living The Life Of Faith

Gal. 2:20 ...It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body I live by faith, by adhering to, relying on, and completely trusting in the Son of God, Who loved me and gave Himself up for me. - When our spirit-man was born-again, we instantly became united, as one, with Jesus Christ. We went from a place of death (spiritually) to a place of life (spiritually.) Faith was deposited into our hearts and the ability to live a victorious life became ours. This life of faith requires us to no longer depend upon our own efforts, but to put our complete trust in the One Who now lives on the inside of us.

Take Toxic Thoughts Captive

2 Cor. 10:5...We capture, like prisoners of war, every thought and insist that it bow in obedience to the Anointed One. Since we are armed with such dynamic weaponry, we stand ready to punish any trace of rebellion...You and I have been given the mind of Christ 1Cor. 2:16...But we have the mind of Christ to be guided by His thoughts and purposes. With this in mind, it is important to recognize the toxic thoughts that come from the enemy. He is the accuser, the condemner, the one who brings shame and guilt. He will endeavor to get you to believe lies about yourself, others, and about God. It is up to you and I to recognize these thoughts and take them captive in the Name of Jesus. Replace these thoughts with the truth of God's Word. The Anointed Word will lead you to thing like Jesus.

Follow The Leading, Not The Feelings

Rm. 8:14 - For as many as are LED by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. - We've all heard the statement, "Feelings are fickle" if we live our lives based off of our feelings we'll be up one moment and down the next. Feelings are not dependable when making decisions that could drastically alter our lives, or someone else. As believers, we have been given the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us in everything we do. It will require that we take time to get quiet and listen, but it will save a lot of bad decisions and heartache in the long run. T.D. Jakes said, "Never make a permanent decision on temporary feelings."

Come To The Fountain

Ps. 86: 15,16 ...Lord, Your nurturing love is tender and gentle. You are slow to get angry yet so swift to show Your faithful love. You are full of abounding grace and truth. Bring me to Your grace-fountain so that Your strength becomes mine. - "There is a place where grace abounds, a place of quiet rest. The cares of life oft time surround, oh come to My fountain of grace. Let Me pour out My love upon you and quench your thirsty soul. Come to My grace-fountain where you will be made whole. Refreshing waters of mercy and love will saturate your very being. Grace to stay, grace to stand, grace to walk out My plan."

You Have Staying Power

Is. 40:31 BUT THOSE WHO WAIT ON THE LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. - We all face situations in life where we want to run out ahead of God, run in a different direction, or simply run away. This word "wait" means to stay where one is or delay action until a particular time or until something else happens. It's in the "waiting on the Lord" that we will receive our direction, answer, the next step in the plan. If you haven't taken the time to "wait" the tendency will be to "run." It's in the "waiting" that you receive the "staying power."

He Hears Your Voice

Jer. 29:12 Then you will call on Me and you will come and pray to Me, and I will hear your voice and I will listen to you. - Have you ever felt so all alone, so desperate, longing for someone to just listen. There are times in our lives when all we need is someone to listen. We have become a society that is too busy to truly listen. Often, our attention is not fully on the person we are talking with and it leaves them feeling unimportant. There is One Who will listen when you cry to Him. He knows your voice and He wants you to come to Him and pour out your heart to Him. You will have His full attention. Call out to Him and He will meet the cry of your heart.

Keep The Message Burning!

I Jn. 2:24 So you must be sure to keep the message burning in your hearts; that is, the message of life you heard from the beginning. If you do, you will always be living in close fellowship with the Son and with the Father. - The world view sends a very different message, one that goes contrary to the message of truth. If you are not careful its message will seep into your thinking and you will find that your mind becomes dulled to the truth of God's Word. It is up to you and I, as believers, to keep the "life-giving" message of the Word of God stirred up in our hearts. No one can do it for us, it is our responsibility. We must stir it up!