Your Weapon Is In Your Mouth!

Ps. 149:6 God's high and holy praises fill their mouths, for their shouted praises are their weapons of war! - Are you waiting for God to move, to do something about your situation? Do you throw up agonizing cries for help? "When God? When?" God has given us a mighty weapon and it's under our nose. Our mouths have the power of the "shout" which is a mighty weapon in disarming our enemies. We see the power of the "mouth" in the story of the children of Israel as they marched around the walls of Jericho. When their "shout of praise" rang out, the walls came down. Gideon and his army "shouted the victory" and smashed their lanterns, which enabled them to defeat the enemy. Paul and Silas sang and "shouted praises" to the Lord, and their chains fell off. It's time we stop waiting on God to do something, and start using our powerful weapon of war!