You Got This!

Rm. 8:37 Yet even in the midst of ALL THESE THINGS we triumph over them ALL, for God HAS MADE US TO BE MORE THAN CONQUERORS, and His demonstrated love is our glorious victory over EVERYTHING. - What are the ALL THINGS in your life? What are the THINGS the enemy says will NEVER CHANGE? What is the sin, habit, situation, lack, relationship, or oppression from the enemy, that YOU BELIEVE is HOPELESS? Friends, it's time to change what YOU BELIEVE! Our God did not leave anything out. He planned for our freedom in every area. There is no area of your life that the Blood of Jesus did not and cannot cleanse, remove, destroy, overcome, redeem, sanctify, conquer, heal and bring absolute and total freedom. Change what you believe and say. Apply the Blood to every area. The Blood has the POWER to set you free!