We Need Each Other

Prov. 18:1 A man who isolates himself seeks his own desire; he rages against all wise judgement. Storms of life come to all of us. We have all probably seen  the horrific natural storms that have devastated Texas.  Because of the high waters, pounding wind and rain, many find themselves isolated from all outside help and communication. Their isolation is not intentional, it is due to unavoidable circumstances. Sadly, there are many in the body of Christ, who when experiencing life's storms, choose to isolate themselves from help, wisdom, and the encouragement they desperately need from others in the family of God. In reality it becomes an issue of pride. We don't want others to know we are hurting so we put on a front. We withdraw from others, many times from our church, and eventually from God.  Isolating ourselves from those who love and care about us only opens us up to loneliness, depression and the attacks of the enemy. We need each other. We need to encourage each other during the raging storms. We need to speak hope, peace and victory into each others lives. Like so many in the state of Texas are reaching out, neighbor helping neighbor, stranger helping stranger, how much more should you and I reach out to our brothers and sisters in Christ. We need each other!