Seasoned With Salt

Col. 4:6 Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one. Every day you and I have the opportunity to use our words in a positive, encouraging, uplifting and truthful way. Traffic, slow lines, rude people and blatant disregard for others can challenge our ability to respond correctly. Paul, is telling us to use our words to give grace, which is really just giving others the benefit of the doubt, understanding and a little leeway. When we do this on a consistent basis, rather then exploding, ranting and being rude ourselves, grace will be there when we need it. Having our words seasoned with salt make me aware that salt is a flavoring which enhances the taste of something. It also is a preservative which causes something to keep longer. Think how our words can enhance someone else's life or tear it down. Our words can preserve, bring hope, speak peace, change the atmosphere, direction, destiny and totally keep our own life, as well as those we come in contact with.