He Tells Me Secrets

He Tells Secrets - Matt.6:6 ...when you pray, go into your room, and when you shut the door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place... In my time of prayer I saw the Lord with His hands cupped to His mouth - whispering ever so softly to my heart - my face is lifted, smiling, receiving impartations, secrets - Friends, Jesus has secret things to tell you. He wants to whisper hidden truths to your heart. He wants you to come away with Him to a quiet place. A place free from distraction. A place where He can impart to you dreams and purpose. Matt. 6:8 ...For your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him... Go to that quiet place. Let God speak to you, He knows what you need and He is waiting for you. There is a place in God, a place where He tells secrets.