Pursue Peace And Edify Others

Rm. 14:19 Therefore let us pursue the things which make for peace and the things by which one may edify another. As we enter into this new year let us be determined to go after peace. If we have aught with anyone, make peace. Take the high road of love and make peace. It's time for a change. The slate can be wiped clean and we can have a fresh new start in 2017. The God of all peace has told us to pursue the things that make for peace. If that means humbling ourselves before another, even if they are in the wrong, God will bless and honor us for doing so. When you've made peace, look for ways to edify that person. The Amplified Bible says,...eagerly pursue what makes for harmony and for mutual up building, edification and development of others. The enemy is the accuser of the Brethren, he is the one who tears down and destroys. You and I are to be like our Savior, Who always builds us up, encourages us, and speaks blessings over us. Don't take the same junk into this new year, make a change!